Hey Reader If you've been with me for a hot second, you might know I really value efficiency when it comes to work. After all, leveraging tech, templates and other resources for the procedural stuff means that I can save my energy and time for the creative stuff and for spending time in nature with the pupper. Which is why I love my Target Revenue Calculator so much. It calculates how much I need to make in my business to support the life I want. And it allows me to play with different variables in my life and see how it affects my revenue targets, without having to do the math. It helps me come up with meaningful revenue goals, easily. It's regularly priced at $50, but for a limited time, you can get it free as part of the Born to Collaborate Bundle. And you're probably not new to bundles, right? There's a bunch of great stuff being offered, from support with bookkeeping to SEO to strategic networking. But if I had one word of advice? Focus. What is your goal for the next 3 months? What will support you on that journey? I might be biased, but I think having a concrete, meaningful target is for everyone. But if you already have that, don't worry about grabbing my resource! You might want to look at strategic networking or giving your website an SEO audit instead. And there are a bunch of other options available to you too. All regularly $47+ but yours for free this week. All you have to do is…
When you do? Hit reply and let me know what you got! I'm - Brittany |
Hey Reader We kicked off Week 1 in my new group offering this week, and man it reminded me of my first week of teaching way back when. My journal entry read something along the lines of, the kids have bodies and bodies have physical needs. 17 years later, and I'm living those feelings again. I'm a little embarrassed that I forgot until more than halfway through our first workshop that people could use a break. But someone said something super kind. They alluded to me having things together....
Hey Reader, A very quick last email to remind you that registration for More Money at the End of the Month is closing up tonight. If it doesn't feel right for you right now, that's all good! But if now IS the time, we'd love to see you join! We kick off with the first workshop tomorrow morning at 10AM PST/1PM EST. If you aren't able to make it, no worries. It'll be recorded and you have me all day on Wednesday (and every Wednesday for 3 months) to get feedback. Hope to see you there! Brittany
Hey Reader, Last week, I talked about vanity metrics, and honestly, I don't think I did a good job explaining what they are in the context of revenue. Vanity metrics are stats that look great but don't necessarily translate into something meaningful. So revenue, for example. Revenue is great to know, but $200k revenue that gives the business owner $30k of take-home pay is probably a lot more work to generate and maintain than $80k of revenue with $40k of take-home pay. And that's where I...