the "solo" doesn't always belong in "solopreneur"

Hey Reader

I don't know about you, but I keep getting prompts lately that have me running back to my values.

I had forgotten how important play was to me, until I started doing more speaking again and the process felt different.

The anxiety I had the last time I did a bunch of speaking gigs seems to have dissipated, and I find myself excited for conversations again. And part of it is because I'm thinking about playing and experimenting and exploring.

I'm playing with metaphors when I talk to people about my perspective on how we change our relationship with money. I'm storytelling. And I feel creative.

And it seems like the ideas are landing. That and the idea that while I want to bring in new clients to work 1:1 with, I also just really want people to work on their money stuff.

At the end of the day, I want all of us to lead easier lives, without the unnecessary suffering.

Yesterday, in my workshop I spoke about how we sometimes need someone to help us create the sense of safety we need to explore our stories. We need people. Which is something that me a few years ago would have laughed you out the room if you'd said that to me.

But people are inspiring. A few weeks ago I got the invite to talk at Disobedient Business® LIVE: The Newbie Palooza with Pippa and Lucy, and I knew I liked the way they rolled from following them for a good while. When I clicked through to the checkout page above, I was inspired by their "total value" statement, because it was so transparent and so respectful. Whether you buy a ticket to join or not, you should look at that checkout page because their values shine through.

I was already super excited about the event itself. The free tickets are here, and some fantastic topics are being covered including:

  • Customer Cartography: Mapping Your Way to Happy Clients with Lucy Parfait
  • Building Accessibility into Your Business from Day One in your Content Creation with Erin Perkins
  • Why Your Values Matter & How They Shape Everything in Your Biz with Siobhan Strode

But also do yourself a favour and check out the paid ticket link as an example of how your values can come through without you having to talk explicitly about them.

Here's to hoping you have an inspired, playful day!

Brittany x

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The Financially Empowered Entrepreneur

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